Lauterbrunnen Weather

Weather in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland can be some of the best European weather you’ll experience, or it can be bitterly cold. It all depends upon what time of year you visit. Lauterbrunnen has captured the eyes of many travelers who visit the Jungfrau Region of the Swiss Alps. Its magic comes from the natural beauty of the towering rock walls and … Read More

Lauterbrunnen Switzerland Travel Guide

This is the ultimate first timer’s travel guide for preparing a vacation to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. Lauterbrunnen is possibly one of the hidden wonders of the world. I was absolutely gobsmacked at the natural beauty of this idyllic Swiss town and the surrounding valley. How did I know so little about it before my visit??? From the stunning white glaciers atop … Read More

Jungfraujoch Switzerland Travel Guide

This is the ultimate first timer’s travel guide for preparing a vacation to Jungfraujoch in Switzerland. Jungfraujoch sits in the saddle of two of the highest peaks in the Jungfrau region of the Alps (Jungfrau and Mönch). At 3,454 meters up, it is the highest point in Europe that is accessible by train, thus earning the title, “Top of Europe.” … Read More